Training Methods: In our approach to efficient improvement in chess, we utilize a combination of lessons, exercises, play, and game analysis. A gradual release of responsibility model is integral to monitor students' comprehension and mastery of the concepts presented during each class. Our chosen method for gradual release instruction is the "I Do, We Do, You Do" framework.
Throughout the semester, we demonstrate fundamental tactics, openings, middlegames, and endgames. We engage in reviewing chess games to illustrate the integration of these distinct phases within chess. During the "We Do" phase, we encourage active participation from students, inviting them to respond from their seats or approach our demo board. This approach allows them to apply their newfound knowledge to specific positions. Lastly, in the "You Do" phase, we provide students with the opportunity to collectively play out positions on the chessboard. Additionally, we often assign one or two challenge puzzles related to the covered concept. These puzzles serve as individual assessments and promote a deeper understanding of the material.
We guide dedicated students in establishing a collaborative study folder on www.lichess.org. Within this platform, students are encouraged to contribute their own online games or games from their tournaments. We analyze these games comprehensively and offer valuable feedback. To maintain transparency, we promptly communicate with parents once this analysis has been completed.
Curriculum: Over the years, our exploration of various teaching methods and materials has led us to develop a diverse array of approaches. One of the most effective curricula we have integrated into school programs across Europe is the Steps Method, devised by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden. While not obligatory, students who diligently complete the exercises within these workbooks often experience accelerated progress compared to their peers. For those interested, we offer discounts on these workbooks when purchased through us. Further information can be found at www.chess-steps.com.